Mary Anne funk

Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall Portland, Oregon (Photo Essay)

20151221 | Homeless-Bill-of-Rights-Testimony-Rally_14

Individuals, families, and advocacy groups came together in solidarity with Right 2 Survive, Sisters of the Road, VOZ, and Right 2 Dream Too on Wednesday morning, January 21, 2015 for the Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall.

The march route went from the VOZ worker center on NE Martin Luther King Blvd to Right 2 Dream Too on NW 4th and W Burnside to the final destination on the steps of City Hall.

The march was followed by three of the marchers going inside to give their testimony in front of the City Council.

The testimony’s focus was for seeking support from the City Council for the Right to Rest Act. The Right to Rest Act seeks the right to set up tents, the right to set up cover, the cessation of sweeps, and the prevention of personal property confiscation by police and security.

Currently, in Portland, large-scale sweeps are being implemented to remove homeless encampments, and citations are being given to individuals who are homeless for resting along sidewalks. During the sweeps, it has become a common practice for the destruction of tents by slashing them and personal belongings being thrown away.

Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Fellow marchers help look over the Right 2 Dream Too banner to make sure everything is O.K. before they begin the march.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Marchers begin to gather at Right 2 Dream Too as they wait to join in a march of solidarity. Trish, front center, was one of three marchers who gave their testimony to city council. Trish resides at Right 2 Dream Too with her boyfriend, Mike.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
A marcher holds additional signs for other marchers to carry.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Marchers join in solidarity with Right 2 Survive, Sisters of the Road, VOZ and Right 2 Dream Too for the Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Participants from the VOZ worker center and Jobs With Justice march in solidarity for the Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
This marcher’s smile and sign demonstrates the attitude of this day: one of hope and peace.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer

Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
“Power to the Peaceful” Participants marching in solidarity for the protection and rights of society’s vulnerable.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer

Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
The houseless community, the housed community and several homeless advocacy groups march in solidarity for the Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
A couple joins their hands as they walk together from Right 2 Dream Too to the steps of City Hall. The theme for the march was solidarity.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Mike helps carry the Right 2 Dream Too banner as he chants in unison with other marchers along the route. “Homelessness is not a crime – Stop harassing us all of the time.” Mike resides at Right 2 Dream Too with his girlfriend, Trish. Trish was one of the speakers giving a testimony to the City Council.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
Kelly Grace, right, is new to Portland. She found out about the testimony and rally when looking for a march that would honor what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for. “It’s important for us all to be here together,” Kelly said. “This march invokes compassion and action.”
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer
Homeless Bill of Rights Testimony and Rally at City Hall. Photo essay by Mary Anne Funk
A marcher holds a sign that speaks to the heart of what is happening in the Portland area to our homeless community and the message being presented to City Council.
Mary Anne Funk/Portland, Oregon Documentary Photographer