Mary Anne funk

A place to live

Wesley Andrew Courverler is houseless in Portland, Oregon and he is currently working with other homeless community members to build up a a place to live at a homeless camp in North Portland, Oregon, where they will community and shelter. The camp that Wesley is a part of, is one of two homeless camps off of North Greeley Avenue working toward building a community of support with each other and with the community around them.

Wesley has 10 plus years of experience in construction work. He has owned his own home and had two successful businesses. He is currently looking for work in Portland. In this video, Wesley talks to me about the kitchen he is building for their camp, he talks about what it means to him personally, to have a place like the homeless camp they are building, and he talks about where his life was at prior to becoming homeless and what it is that makes him happy.

Cameraperson, interviewer, and editor: Mary Anne Funk
Redefining our perceptions of homelessness and poverty.